Toned Milk Active

500 ml


Double Toned Milk Nutrients
Kota Fresh Double Toned Milk Active
1000 ml 0 Double Toned Milk Active
500  ml - Top Double Toned Milk Kota
180 ml - Double Toned Milk Active
6 Litre - Double Toned Milk Active

180 ml


Double Toned Milk Active by Kota Fresh Dairy

Kota Fresh Double Toned Milk active provides the ideal blend of taste, health, and activity advantages. It is lower in fat but higher in critical nutrients and active cultures, so it promotes your overall health throughout the day. Choose from a variety of practical sizes, including 180ml for a rapid energy boost and a family-sized 6L package, ideal for an active household.

Kota Fresh Dairy is dedicated to delivering the finest quality dairy products, with "Double Toned Milk Active" as our flagship offering. Our commitment to quality begins at the source, ensuring that our milk is not only nutritious but also delicious. We actively engage with our customers through various channels, from social media to community events, fostering a strong relationship built on trust and transparency. By sharing our story and the benefits of our double toned milk, we aim to raise awareness and encourage healthier choices among our audience.

As the top double toned milk dealer in Kota, we understand the needs of our customers. We prioritize freshness and transparency, providing detailed information about our sourcing and production processes. This dedication to quality not only enhances the taste but also builds trust with our consumers.

Experience the difference with Kota Fresh Dairy’s Double Toned Milk Active, where quality meets health. Choose us for a nutritious lifestyle, and enjoy the fresh, delicious taste that sets us apart from the rest. Make Kota Fresh Dairy your go-to source for premium dairy products today!

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQS

  • Ans: Double Toned Milk Active by Kota Fresh Dairy is a low-fat milk option that provides an ideal balance of taste and health benefits. It's designed for health-conscious individuals who want nutritious milk without compromising on flavor.

  • Ans: Double Toned Milk Active is lower in fat but rich in essential nutrients and active cultures. This makes it a great choice for supporting overall health, offering a lighter alternative without sacrificing taste or nutritional value.

  • Ans: Double Toned Milk Active is available in various sizes to suit different needs, including a convenient 180ml pack for a quick energy boost and a 6L family-sized pack for regular household use.

  • Ans: Double Toned Milk Active has a lower fat content than regular toned milk, making it an even healthier option. It still retains a delicious flavor while offering added health benefits.

  • Ans: You can buy Double Toned Milk Active from local retailers. If you're interested in becoming a dealer for Kota Fresh Dairy products, please contact us to learn more about dealership opportunities.